I wonder how "dotcloud push" acts, especially on uploading files, so I read the dotcloud.cli source code.
If you execute "dotcloud push" with --export option, you'll get the response like this.
$ dotcloud --export push helloworldapp
"data": [
"rsync": {
"excludes": [
"check": true
"deploy helloworldapp.default"
"type": "cmd"
So you know that dotcloud command will run Remote.upload() method.(See DotCloudCliBehaviorOverView.)
You can see the upload() method in dotcloud/cli/remote.py.
def upload(self, local_dir, destination, args):
if args.get('check'):
local_dir = self.check_pushdir(local_dir)
self.info('# upload {0} {1}'.format(local_dir, destination))
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(local_dir, '.hg')):
return self.hg(local_dir, destination, args.get('hg', {}))
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(local_dir, '.git')):
return self.git(local_dir, destination, args.get('git', {}))
return self.rsync(local_dir, destination, args.get('rsync', {}))
If you have .hg directory, dotcloud command runs self.hg().If you have .git directory, dotcloud command runs self.git().Otherwise dotcloud command runs self.rsync().
You can see these methods in the same file.
def rsync(self, local_dir, destination, args):
self.info('# rsync')
excludes = args.get('excludes')
url = utils.parse_url(destination)
ssh = ' '.join(self._ssh_options)
ssh += ' -p {0}'.format(url['port'])
if not os.path.isfile(local_dir) and not local_dir.endswith('/'):
local_dir += '/'
rsync = (
'rsync', '-lpthrvz', '--delete', '--safe-links',
) + tuple('--exclude={0}'.format(e) for e in excludes) + (
'-e', ssh, local_dir,
host=url['host'], dest=url['path'])
ret = subprocess.call(rsync, close_fds=True)
if ret != 0:
return ret
except OSError:
def hg(self, local_dir, destination, args):
self.info('# hg')
with utils.cd(local_dir):
ssh = ' '.join(self._ssh_options)
args = ('hg', 'push', '--ssh', ssh, '-f', destination)
ret = subprocess.call(args, close_fds=True)
if ret != 0:
return ret
except OSError:
def git(self, local_dir, destination, args):
self.info('# git')
with utils.cd(local_dir):
os.environ['GIT_SSH'] = '__dotcloud_git_ssh'
os.environ['DOTCLOUD_SSH_KEY'] = config.CONFIG_KEY
ret = subprocess.call(('git', 'push', '-f', '--all',
destination), close_fds=True)
if ret != 0:
return ret
except OSError: