
I found a interest tool, Graphite when I was exploring .(Screen Shots of Graphite.)

Install Carbon

Carbon is a backend storage application for Graphite.

# wget
# tar zxvf carbon-0.9.8.tar.gz
# pushd carbon-0.9.8
# python install
# popd

Install Whisper

Whisper is an alternate to RRD.

# wget
# tar zxvf whisper-0.9.8.tar.gz
# pushd whisper-0.9.8
# python install
# popd

Install Graphite

# wget
# tar zxvf graphite-web-0.9.8.tar.gz
# pushd graphite-web-0.9.8      


# ./ 
[FATAL] Unable to import the 'cairo' module, do you have pycairo installed for python 2.6.5?
[FATAL] Unable to import the 'django' module, do you have Django installed for python 2.6.5?
[WARNING] Unable to import the 'mod_python' module, do you have mod_python installed for python 2.6.5?
This means you will only be able to run graphite in the development server mode, which is not
recommended for production use.
Unable to import the 'memcache' module, do you have python-memcached installed for python 2.6.5?
This feature is not required but greatly improves performance.

Unable to import the 'ldap' module, do you have python-ldap installed for python 2.6.5?
Without python-ldap, you will not be able to use LDAP authentication in the graphite webapp.

Unable to import the 'twisted' package, do you have Twisted installed for python 2.6.5?
Without Twisted, you cannot run carbon on this server.
Unable to import the 'txamqp' module, this is required if you want to use AMQP.
Note that txamqp requires python 2.5 or greater.
2 necessary dependencies not met. Graphite will not function until these dependencies are fulfilled.
5 optional dependencies not met. Please consider the warning messages before proceeding.

I use a development server included in Graphite, so mod_python is not needed.

Install packages other than mod_python.

# yum install pycairo
# rpm -ivh
# yum install Django python-twisted python-memcached python-ldap
# yum install python-setuptools gcc python-devel
# easy_install txamqp

You need bitmap fonts, so intall it.

# yum install bitmap-console-fonts

Install Graphite and setup it.

# python install
# python /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ syncdb
# pushd /opt/graphite/conf
# cp carbon.conf.example carbon.conf
# cp storage-schemas.conf.example storage-schemas.conf
# cp dashboard.conf.example dashboard.conf

Edit dashborad.conf and uncomment these.

default_graph_width = 400
default_graph_height = 250
automatic_variants = true
refresh_interval = 60

Start Carbon.

# /opt/graphite/bin/ start

Start example-client included in Graphite source code to send load average data to Carbon.

# popd
# python ./examples/

Start a develepment server of Graphite.

# /opt/graphite/bin/ /opt/graphite  

Access to port 8080 of this server and you'll see the screen of Graphite.