Webiblo - web to ebook project

I've started the project webiblo.This is the improved fork of web-to-mobi.

This project includes the script to convert web sites into ebook format(currently mobipocket only) data from given JSON data and gathering the JSON data for web sites.

Currently, you can generate mobipocket format data with the URI of JSON data like this:

$ webiblo.pl http://mizzy.org/webiblo/data/Getting_Real.json

Or with JSON data through STDIN.

$ cat data.json | webiblo.pl

This script needs KindleGen.

JSON data is like this:

    "title"       : "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs",
    "authors"     : [
        "Harold Abelson",
        "Gerald Jay Sussman",
        "Julie Sussman"
    "cover_image"   : "http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/cover.jpg",
    "content_xpath" : "//div[@class=\"content\"]", # Optional
    "exclude_xpath" : "//div[@class=\"navigation\"]", # Optional
    "chapters" : [
            "title" : "Foreword",
            "uri"   : "http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-5.html#%_chap_Temp_2"
            "title" : "1  Building Abstractions with Procedures",
            "uri"  : "http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-9.html#%_chap_1",
            "sections" : [
                "title" : "1.1  The Elements of Programming",
                "uri"   : "http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-10.html#%_sec_1.1"
                "subsections" : [
                        "title" : "1.1.1  Expressions",
                        "uri"   : "http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-10.html#%_sec_1.1.1"

Overview of the JSON data is following:

There are two JSON data for Getting Real and SICP on [my web site(http://mizzy.org/webiblo/) .

JSON data are put on the gh-pages branch.Pull requests are welcome.